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Deep forest A-frame house


Bonnie and Nate... They made our home. We often think of them warmly.


Shingo saw their A-frame house on Instagram. "A playful fun wooden house" was the first impression. With our broken car beside us, we sent them a message, asking to visit. Bonnie quickly replied saying, "YES!" How encouraging it was to know somebody was waiting for us, even though we hadn't seen our future car yet. Some comfortable conversations told me about her friendly personality. She told us that her husband, Nate loves Japan and rides 1987 Toyota FJ60. We had the idea to make them a home-cooked Japanese meal as a thank.

インスタグラムで見つけたボニー達のA-frame house。「木で遊んでいる、楽しそうな家」が第一印象。走らなくなった愛車を傍らに車を探している最中送ったメッセージには、すぐ返信が!車は見つかっていないけど私たちを待っている人がいる。どんなにか励まされたことだろう。心地のよいメッセージのやりとりがボニーの友好的な人となりを伝えた。1987年製のトヨタFJ60に乗るという日本びいきのネイトのために家庭料理を作ること提案したら、二人とも和食が大好きだと楽しみにしてくれた。

From Lake Tahoe, I don't remember why but we took a winding road through Eldorado National Forest and Stanislaus National Forest, not the flat road going close to the state capital, Sacramento. It took us half a day. Arnold was a pretty little town that's famous for Calaveras Big Tree State Park. Arnold is popular as a vacation destination. (The next day, Bonnie took us on a driving tour of the town. There were some unique A-frame houses.)

タホ湖から州都サクラメント経由の平坦な道ではなく、なぜかエルドラド、スタニスロース国立森林公園を通るクネクネ道を選び、走ること半日。やっとたどり着いたアーノルドはカラベラス・ビッグツリー州立公園で知られる小さな町だった。別荘地としても人気の町。(二日目ボニーが連れて行ってくれた町内ドライブツアーでは、様々なA-frame houseを見ることができた。)

Their dogs, one-year-old Hedy and ten-year-old Cruz, were so excited to see us and they made the beginning of our 13th visit to "The Teepee” special. Nate had to tell them calm down and Bonnie joined us before long. We were surprised to hear that she had had a job interview at a winery that day. It was hard for us to see that she had a big day because she was full of excitement and had a big smile! We forgot that we also had had a long day thanks to their warm welcome.


The gorgeous wooden spiral staircase gave this A its charm. It was surprising to hear that it was all made from an electric pole by hand. No wonder it feels so special. The catwalk also gives the A-frame house a real character. It was made to go up to the balcony but became a popular spot for the little kids to play and sleep.


We went up the spiral staircase to the loft. The guest room was right under the A! It was our very first time for us to sleep looking at an A and we fell fast asleep in a second.


They met in Seattle 20 years ago and moved to San Jose later. During their eight years there, it was their tradition to spend the Thanksgiving holiday at a rented cabin in the mountains. They learned about Arnold when they visited Calaveras Big Tree State Park.


"An A-frame house with a Swedish fireplace" Nate had had a very clear picture of his dream house so he had no hesitation going for this "Tee-pee" A-frame house when he saw it online. It was waiting for them in Arnold, 240km away from San Jose. He excitedly said "Let's go tonight otherwise it will go to somebody else.” Bonnie and Nate had moved to their A-frame house just two weeks before. They waited for their son to graduate from high school and started a new chapter in this beautiful green town.

スウェーデン風暖炉があるA-frame house・・・憧れのイメージははっきり見えていたから見つけた時には迷いはなかった。サン・ノゼから240km離れたアーノルドにネイトがネットで見つけたA-frame。早く行かないと他の人の手に渡ってしまう!と『今夜にでも行こう!』と大興奮したことを笑って思い出していた。ボニーとネイトは2週間前に引っ越してきたばかり。息子さんが大学進学で家を離れるのを待って、緑豊かなこの土地で二人の新しいチャプターが始まった。

This A-frame house was also special for the original owner who built it by himself in 1970. He was an engineer and it took him, his dear family, and friends two years and became a place full of memories. On the wall, there's still a piece of stained glass art of this A-frame house made by his friend.

このA-frame houseに込められた想いはまた特別なものだった。

1969年から2年かけてあるエンジニアが自らの手で建てた家。家族や友人・・・大切な人たちの手を借りて作った、至るところに思い出の詰まった家。壁には今もハウス氏が友人から贈られた、手作りのA-frame houseステンドグラス作品が飾られている。

Nate worked for four years in the human resources at Tesla, a car maker, and it was very stressful. The average tenure was two years so his four years didn’t feel short. However, the four years also made him grown into a professional, independent businessman. Now he works as a consultant from home, holding a few phone-meetings a day. The basement area is his quiet office and he has more time to spend with his dogs and on his hobby, cooking.


On the other hand, Bonnie who is neither a morning or a night person, but an all-day person, works at a winery in the neighboring town, Murphys. It's known as a former gold mining settlement and popular for many different wineries. She's worked as a reporter for animations. I think she could make her life anywhere with her friendly personality and curiosity.


Nate's into the latest technologies and his A-frame house shows it. It has Danish Velux skylights and a Canadian Mysa smart heating system. They also cherish some furniture and items from their family. Both of traditional and new things; the combination was inspiring for me. Their answer to my favorite question, “What do you like about your A-frame house?” was, “Everything!" They like that their A has an open space where you know what's going on in the house. They're happy with the windows that let a lot of natural light inside.



~A message from Bonnie and Nate~

Be unique. A-frame living is unique. You’ll get noticed. Embrace what you love even if it’s different from others.




Altitude(高度):663m Average temperature(平均気温):5.8to23.8℃ 

Annual precipitation(年間降水量):940mm 参照(CLIMATE-DATA.ORG)



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