Union Bay, BC, CANADA / Built in 1972
Antonie: "Did you see that?!" Christine: "Yes! What's that?! We HAVE TO get a closer look!" ... at their very first look at the A-frame house, they fell in love with it. Within a month they moved to their A on Vancouver Island, BC, making a big road trip from Toronto, ON.
アントニー :『今の見た?!』
クリスティーン: 『うん!何あれ?!見に行かなきゃ!』
家族旅行で訪れていたバンクーバー島。偶然見かけたA-frame houseに惚れ込んだ。

Christine, an artist, has a clear idea about how their A-frame house should be. "We should... - see the corners-inside and outside- because the most luxurious thing about A-frame houses is space-the room for air. (Her three children learned to keep their home tidy thanks to Mom's philosophy.) - keep the A-frame as an A-frame because with extra additions, the power of the A gets weaker.
- have mid-century modern furniture because A-frame house is from the era. (I was impressed with her story that she discarded all of her traditional furniture once she found that they didn't suit her A.)
- admire the beauty of lamber , not paint everything in white." Oh, my... I LOVED listening to her so much for her very unique ideas about her A-frame house. She shared everything she learned through living in their A-frame house with passion.
画家として活躍するクリスティーンは建築にも造詣が深く、A-frame houseのあるべき姿について自論を熱く語ってくれた。
Christine was inspired by the picture book, "Need A House? Call Ms. Mouse!" in her childhood. She has been interested in architecture since then. "I learned everyone needs their own unique house from this book," she smiled.
クリスティーンは子供の頃"Need A House? Call Ms. Mouse!"という絵本に出逢った。
Christine had to face quite a few challenges to achieve her ideal house: - A long discussion on "Is the sides of the A-frame a wall or a roof?" - This creates huge differences in costs. - A need to have a straight wall in bed rooms according to the fire services act - At the same time, keeping the charm of the "A" shape! - A need to have enough space for her three growing children - They made it with minute calculations. ... With her husband, she did her best on each of them. Every story told me about her desire of improving herself, patience to achieve her goals, and her affectionate personality. I was happy to hear her daughter say "I love my house!"
〜 A Message from Cristine to you〜
You live as a part of the world, not on the world.
Altitude(高度):23m Average temperature(平均気温):2.5to17.2℃
Annual precipitation(年間降水量):1375mm 参照(CLIMATE-DATA.ORG)